Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

Clash Of Clans - Giant

  • Summary
    • Giants are large Troops capable of taking huge damage, but deal very little damage compared to the amount of housing space they require. They primarily target Defenses, so in a large group they can be very strong at crippling a village. Due to their high health, players usually deploy them first in order to protect the other weaker but more offensive troops from Defenses

  • Offensive Strategy
    • A good raiding strategy is to fill your Army Camp with Giants and Archers; together they can easily wipe out a base. Use the Giants to distract all the Defensive Towers while the Archers take everything down.
    • At the beginning of a Raid, send in several Giants closest to the Mortar(s)/Wizard Tower(s). As soon as the Mortar hits the Giants, send in the necessary number of Wall Breakers to help the Giants break through the walls. Once the Mortar(s) and Wizard Tower(s) are destroyed, you can send in swarms of lower hit point Troops such as Goblins and Archers.
    • Giants have a lot of health but are slow and have low attack power, so use them in groups.
    • Giants are weak against many defenses grouped together.
    • You can use Giants as a cheap meat shield while deploying other, higher damaging troops to destroy buildings.
    • Another strategy is to send many Giants with one or more Healers. Be wary of Air Defenses and other anti-air towers, however, as Healers are very weak and have many vulnerabilities. 
    • In general, Giants make better distracting troops than Barbarians due to their much higher health. Because of this they are less vulnerable to Mortar fire and other splash damage, and are much harder to kill.
  • Defensive Strategy
    • Giants can be especially susceptible to Spring Traps due to the predictable nature of their AI. Use this to your advantage and place strategic gaps in your Walls with defensive structures behind them, and fill the gaps with one or more Spring Traps.
    • Giants are reasonably good defensive Clan Castle Troops, as their high health means that multiple offensive units will have to be dispatched to deal with them (a Lightning Spell will not be sufficient). They will also take a relatively long time to kill, delaying the enemy attack. However, the problem with using giants as Clan Castle Troops is that when they come out to defend, they take up five spaces. This means that if the enemy has enough troops to one hit a giant, it will be more efficient to use five Barbarians, as the enemy troops will promptly have to reload. As such, it will take five times as long.

  • Upgrade Differences
  • Giants receive a major graphical change at level 6.
    • A level 1 and 2, the Giant wears a brown tunic with a red belt and copper buckle around his waist. He otherwise has no accessories.
    • At level 3, the Giant gains dark metal cuffs around his arms and metal knuckles on his hands.
    • At level 5, the Giant exchanges the dark metal cuffs and knuckles for golden ones.
    • At level 6, the Giant upgrades his cuffs and knuckles to black metal. He also grows a long, thick red beard and dons a black leather cape.

  • Trivia
    • When you tap the Army Camp the Giants all pump their fists in and out from their chests a few times, similar to humans cracking their knuckles.
    • In game if you closely look at the Giants when they're pumping their fists you can see that they have no eyes.
    • You can have a maximum of 48 Giants at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 55 if you include the 7 that can fit into a fully upgraded Clan Castle.
    • The Giant's low damage is visually seen by the attacks with their bare fists.
    • With the exception of the Golem, the Giant has the lowest damage per housing space (8.6 DPS per housing space at level 6, just above the level 1 Archer and Barbarian at 7.0 and 8.0 respectively ).
    • The Giant's main Barracks image changed substantially as part of the "Witch" update (29 July 2013). However, this change did not affect the look of the in-game unit; when viewed in Army Camps or in battle, the Giant still has the same look as it did prior to the update.
    • When the Giant attacks a building, a puff of smoke rises from the target.
Preferred TargetAttack TypeHousing SpaceTraining TimeMovement SpeedAttack SpeedBarracks Level RequiredRange
DefensesMelee (Ground Only)52m122s41 tile
LevelDamage per SecondDamage per AttackHitpointsTraining Cost ElixirResearch Cost ElixirLaboratory Level RequiredResearch Time
214283601,000100,00021 day
319384301,500250,00042 days
424485202,000750,00053 days
531626702,5002,250,00065 days
643869403,0006,000,000710 days

Clash Of Clans - Golem

  • Offensive Strategy
    • A good strategy is to release Golems and wait until all splash damage defenses like Mortars and Wizard Towers fire on them then release units like Archers and Barbarians.
    • Since the Golems do small amounts of damage themselves, it´s important that they are backed up by high damage-dealing troops, like Wizards or Witches.
    • Golems aren't affected by Spring Traps. However, when one becomes two Golemites, the Golemites will be affected by Spring Traps if they encounter them.
    • If possible, destroy the Inferno Tower that is set on Single Target Mode as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they will wipe out your Golems. If the Inferno Tower is set on Multiple Target Mode, it will not be much of a problem.
  • Defensive Strategy
    • Golems, similar to Giants and Lava Hounds, are very high-health units that can be used to soak up fire (meat shields). Make sure that the Golem is in the middle or in range of most of your defenses, as the Golem can distract attacking troops very effectively for a considerable amount of time. Even when overwhelmed, the Golem does a surprising amount of splash damage, enough to kill all Tier 1 and most Tier 2 troops (including lower-level Giants), as well as even Hog Riders. Any remaining attackers will then have to deal with the twoGolemites as well.
    • Golems tend not to be in Clan Castles due to their high storage space, 30, which fills up a second highest Level 5 Clan Castle by itself. However, they make good distractions.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • The Golem undergoes a significant graphic change at level 5.
      • At level 3, the Golem's rocky exterior changes shade from a light gray to a darker gray.
      • At level 5, the Golem gains purple, crystal-like spikes, quite similar to those on the level 3 Wizard Tower, and his entire body gains a purple/gray color.

  • Trivia
    • The Golem was added in the 17 Apr 2013 update.
    • You can have a maximum of 8 Golems at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 9 if you include the 1 that can fit into a level 5 or higher Clan Castle.
    • Golems, Balloons and Lava Hounds are the only troops that deliver splash damage upon dying. This is in contrast to the Wall Breaker, which dies upon delivering splash damage.
    • The Golem has a housing space requirement of 30, which ties it with the Lava Hound for the highest such requirement currently in the game.
    • The Golem and Lava Hound are the only two troops that can fill a level 5 Clan Castle by themselves.
    • If you have a Golem in your Clan Castle, and it splits into Golemites during a defense, it will become a Golem again after the defense.
Preferred TargetAttack TypeHousing SpaceTraining TimeMovement SpeedAttack SpeedDark Barracks Level RequiredRangeDeath Damage Radius
DefensesGround3045m122.4s41 tile1.2 tiles
LevelDamage per SecondDamage per AttackDamage Upon DeathHitpointsTraining Cost Dark elixirResearch Cost Dark elixirLaboratory Level RequiredResearch Time
242100.84005,00052560,000610 days
346110.44505,50060070,000712 days
4501205006,00067580,000714 days
554129.65506,30075090,000814 days

Clash Of Clans - Wizard

  • Summary
    • The Wizard is a magical unit that wears a hooded cloak, a leather belt with golden buckle and matching boots.
    • The Wizard is very similar to the Archer in that he uses a ranged attack and can shoot over Walls. He shoots fireballs that do high damage, but requires support as he has relatively low hitpoints and can easily be killed by point defenses. Wizards are commonly used in large groups for fire support or as a force multiplier (similar to Archers), but they can also be effective in smaller numbers, especially at lower levels.

  • Offensive Strategy
    • Wizards have high enough health to survive a few splash damage attacks, but point defenses can present a significant problem. Due to their inability to withstand sustained fire, Wizards are primarily used behind more durable troops such as Giants or P.E.K.K.As (or supported with Healer(s)).
    • Their ability to attack over Walls make them very useful for attacking from the outside of Walls, or attacking from a distance without the danger of being caught in a Mortar or Wizard Tower blast.
    • Barbarians can be used as a meat shield to support Wizards, but be careful, as Wizards can still be affected by Mortars and Wizard Towers due to their splash damage.
    • Wizards can be very effective at taking out defenses; their very high damage makes turret hit points no match for them. However, to maximize their effectiveness, it is generally considered a good idea to deploy them in decent-sized groups, along with a few P.E.K.K.As or Giants as a good distraction.
    • Wizards are amazing at clearing out an enemy's Clan Castle Troops. Their ability to do high amounts splash damage allows them to kill a lot of Troops at once. Deploying a Wizard or two after the Clan Castle Troopshave engaged you can be a good alternative to a Lightning Spell.
    • A strong technique is to use 2 Healers to support a large group of Wizards. This way, the point-defenses would have to target one Wizard at a time to kill it (i.e. 3 Cannons shooting at the same Wizard) which is very unlikely; splash damage cannot kill the Wizards since they simply cannot out-damage the two Healers, especially when the defenses are low-leveled.
    • Although wizards do incredible damage and take only 4 housing space, they are very vulnerable to giant bombs and spring traps. To avoid the death of a big amount of them, spread them along the line of fire and don't spawn them in one place immediately.
  • Defensive Strategy
    • Wizards are excellent defensive Troops, as they can attack enemy Troops from behind Walls. If attackingTroops notice a Wizard emerging from the Clan Castle they will turn to attack it, even if they have to destroy a Wall segment to reach it.
    • As of the 12 March 2013 update, the Wizard's attack now has a splash component. This increases their effectiveness against lower-health Troops such as GoblinsArchers and Barbarians as Clan Castle Troops.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • When first bought, the Wizard wears a light blue cloak, a black beard, and a brown belt, with a brown tunic underneath.
    • At level 3, the Wizard's cloak changes from light blue to purple. His boots become bright purple as well. His tunic also becomes purpleish in color.
    • At level 4, the Wizards attack with lightning instead of fireballs.
    • At level 5, his cloak changes to dark blue, and his boots transition from a purpleish color to a blackish color, as well as his tunic.
    • At level 6, his cloak changes to the color of wine, his belt buckle becomes orange, and his eyes turn a shade of yellow. His boots also change to a wine color.

  • Trivia
    • When you are doing the tutorial, a Villager mentions the reinforcement Wizards of Wizard Ivory. However, Wizard Ivory is not mentioned again in the future.
    • Because you get 5 Wizards in the tutorial, they are the first unit that you deploy but NOT the first unlocked for general use, which are Barbarians.
      • You only need to use 2 of the Wizards to finish the tutorial level and save them for future looting, making your opponent see that he was looted by a low level player with Wizards.
    • Wizards are often used by high-level players in place of Archers because of their high damage and relatively high health (when compared to Archers that will be killed in a single hit by most high level defensive buildings).
    • You can have a maximum of 60 Wizards at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 68 if you include the 8 that can fit into a fully upgraded Clan Castle.
    • On top of the Wizard Tower is also a Wizard, but it has a different way of attacking. It is not necessary to train, or even unlock, a Wizard in the Barracks in order to place the Wizard Tower.
    • Along with the level 5 and 6 Wall Breaker, the Wizard is the only unit in the game capable of killing itself in one shot. In fact, once a Wizard reaches level 4, it can kill even a max-level Wizard in one shot.
    • On a per-housing space basis, the Wizard has the highest damage per second of any Troop by a small margin (45 damage per housing space at level 6, slightly ahead of the second-place level 6 Goblin at 42).
    • In the application package of the game, the sound effect file refers to the wizard as 'mage'.
    • On August 28, 2014, Supercell hosted an event where the training cost and time of the Wizard were reduced by half for a limited time. During this event, the image of the Wizard in the Barracks showed the wizard with his hair in an afro and the fireball in his left hand was replaced with a rabbit. The silhouette of the wizard in the battle results screen also had the same changes.
Preferred TargetAttack TypeHousing SpaceTraining TimeMovement SpeedAttack SpeedBarracks Level RequiredRange
NoneArea Splash 0.3 Tile Radius (Ground & Air)48m161.5s73 tiles
LevelDamage per SecondDamage per AttackHitpointsTraining Cost ElixirResearch Cost ElixirLaboratory Level RequiredResearch Time
270105902,000150,00031 day
3901351082,500450,00042 days
4125187.51303,0001,350,00053 days
51702551563,5002,500,00065 days
61802701644,0007,500,000814 days